What is obesity?
Obesity (or adiposis) is a term used to describe being excessively overweight which can be harmful to one’s health. An excessive increase in fatty tissue usually occurs first, which then increases the proportion of body fat to overall body weight. If obesity is not treated early, it is a disease that can very quickly lead to a reduced quality of life, can put one at high risk of secondary diseases and can shorten overall life expectancy.
According to surveys conducted by the Robert Koch Institute, almost one in four of all adults in Germany is affected by morbid obesity. If the surveys are extended to include the overweight demographic, approximately 67% of men and more than 50% of women are affected.
Are there different grades of obesity?
Obesity is usually divided into three degrees of severity. The World Health Organization (WHO) distinguishes between grade I, grade II and grade III – or morbid obesity. The classification is made by determining the Body Mass Index, commonly referred to as BMI.
What are some common symptoms of obesity?
There are many possible indications and symptoms that point to the identification of the disease, from physical to severe psychological problems. The following symptoms and disorders are frequently observed in connection with obesity:
- Lack of self esteem
- Depression
- High blood pressure
- Joint problems
- Elevated blood lipids
- Elevated blood sugar
- Gout
- Snoring
- Breathing difficulties, including sleep apnea
- Shortness of breath
- Respiratory distress
- Type 2 diabetes
- Increased sweating (hyperhidrosis)
- Heartburn (reflux)
- Varicose Veins
- Infertility
What strain does excess weight put on the body?
If obesity is ignored and not effectively treated, it puts a strain on the whole body and carries a high risk of resulting in serious, even life-threatening secondary diseases such as:
- Stroke
- Heart attack
- Arteriosclerosis
- Gout
- Gallstones
- Thromboses
- Joint damage
- Cancer diseases
What is the best way to treat obesity?
The treatment of obesity requires a change in diet and lifestyle. Patients must actively work on themselves, must accept that a weight problem exists and understand that it needs to be addressed in a sustainable way.
If patients have tried and exhausted conventional forms of weight therapy, such as classic diets (metabolic diets, protein diets, low-carb diets or shakes), nutrition programs or targeted behavioural therapies, and are unable to achieve a healthier body weight on their own, as a next step, low-risk treatment forms can contribute to greater success. Low-risk treatments are those therapies that are minimally invasive, i.e. leave virtually no traces on the body despite medical intervention. These include above all, reducing the size of the stomach via endoscopic methods, without incisions, such as:
- Intragastric balloon therapy for 6 months
- Intragastric balloon therapy for 12 months
- Permanent stomach reduction using the pose® procedure
The main advantages of these forms of therapy are that with them, the essential basic pillars for a healthier lifestyle can usually be regained:
- Respect for the natural feeling of hunger and satiety;
- Sensitivity to sustainable food change; and
- Enabling and participating in regular exercise.
Can success be achieved with minimally invasive procedures?
Comprehensive scientific studies have shown that excellent treatment results can be achieved with minimally invasive procedures – alongside the relatively low risks and side effects of the respective medical therapy. In comparison, patients who just complete diets or conventional programs typically regain weight quickly after completing such programs. In such cases, the core problem: their obesity and the numerous accompanying symptoms cannot be brought under control.
Our experienced team at Weight Doctors supports patients on their way to losing weight effectively. Our many years of experience have shown that losing weight not only has an extremely positive effect on patients’ health, restores their zest for life and encourages them to make changes in other areas of their life, for example exploring social interactions again.
Take control of obesity with the Weight Doctors
Weight Doctors can help you tackle your weight problem in an effective way, accompanying you on your journey to your ideal weight.
We help you understand your problem and recommend the right solution for your situation. Book an appointment for your consultation now because we take your problem seriously.
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