Weight loss, for life.

Start living the life you want. Weight Doctors will help you do it. Lose weight permanently with your lifelong coach: The Weight Doctors SLEEVE®.

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The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® is based on the best minimally-invasive endoscopic procedures

The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® utilises only the best medical procedures currently available. Scientifically tested, proven effectiveness and extremely gentle for our patients.

The Weight Doctors’ top priority is to achieve the greatest possible chance for success while keeping the effects of the treatment and any medical risks as low as possible.

How do we achieve this? By means of minimally-invasive endoscopic technology. Our specialists ensure that they either do not have to perform any surgery at all –  without incisions or scars – or limit surgical involvement to such an extent that recovery from our medical intervention can take place in the shortest possible time.

The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® creates a near-perfect symbiosis: a stomach whose shape is changed so that it takes on the silhouette of a gastric sleeve. It’s volume reduced to such an extent that only a fraction of the food can be consumed. Significantly reducing feelings of hunger and achieving a much longer feeling of satiety. Permanently.

Depending on the procedure chosen, it is possible to lose up to 40kg of body weight within half a year. In addition, after their Weight Doctors SLEEVE®, most patients regain a state of overall health that they haven’t known for a long time. Fewer restrictions, more zest for life. With the patient’s commitment, nothing stands in the way to a new start in life.

Advantages of the Weight Doctors SLEEVE®

What makes the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® stand out as an endoscopic stomach reduction procedure?

The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® at a glance

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Which Weight Doctors SLEEVE® procedure is the right one to choose?

Suffering from excess weight and obesity is an immense burden for the body and the mind. Not only does this put one at risk of serious secondary diseases, but social structures may also be put under considerable stress, often pushing one into isolation from family and friends. It’s at this point it becomes more difficult to find a way forward. It is true that for many the desire to lose weight is great. However, the strength to go through this task alone is often not available. No matter what life situation our patients are in, and what goals they have set for themselves: The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® is designed to provide an individually tailored solution for almost all of our patients.

The Weight Doctors SLEEVE®. Exclusive to the Weight Doctors.

The Weight Doctors team has been helping patients regain their motivation and excitement for life for almost two decades. We look back on thousands of wonderful moments with our patients and draw our strength from the stories our patients share on their journey to rediscovering life. As the leading experts for endoscopic stomach reduction using the pose®2 Endo-Sleeve procedure, we previously faced certain limits in helping some patients which we found difficult to cross. But with the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® this has changed. The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® is suitable for people who want to lose significantly more than 25kg, and to well over 40kg. And for those who have a BMI of more than 50. No matter what life situation you are in and how much weight you want to lose: with the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® we have the right procedure for you. Exclusive to the Weight Doctors.

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Experience really matters

Undergoing weight loss treatment is a big decision, often patients have considered it for years before taking the plunge. 

For a long time patients were presented only with surgical options for obesity. Whilst these options can be good, they are also invasive. Weight Doctors® recognised early on that a large potion of weight loss patients are generally healthy with a BMI lower than 50. A minimally invasive, yet powerful procedure suits these patients perfectly. 

Weight Doctors® were amongst the first European specialists to provide Endoscopic treatment for weight loss and have grown to be the largest with centres across South Africa, the UK, the Netherlands, Germany and beyond. Not only that, Endoscopic treatment is our speciality and passion. 

Working with International experts such as Dr Devinder Bansi, Professor Karl Miller and Professor Jan Willem Greve soon saw Weight Doctors® at the cutting edge of endoscopic treatment and performing cases in high volume. 

Now the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® sits alongside traditional surgical weight loss methods, is approved for use within most national and medical guidelines worldwide including the U.S. and attracts around 10'000 patients each year. 

With all this said, the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® is an intricate procedure only to be performed by experts who carry out the procedure routinely and with an excellent clinical team. At Weight Doctors®, patients can be confident of this expert team, alongside excellent clinical facilities and industry leading aftercare. Read more about the 12 best reasons to choose Weight Doctors®.

Together, we’ll find the right Weight Doctors SLEEVE® for your individual needs.

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Extended Sleeve


OverStitch TM

OverStitch TM

OverStitch TM

snowshoe anchors

snowshoe anchors

snowshoe anchors

Recommended BMI




% stomach reduction




Weight loss goal

up to 15kg

up to 30kg

up to 40kg

Weight loss
after 6 months

up to 35%
of excess weight

up to 50%
of excess weight

up to 60%
of excess weight


short anesthesia for approx. 60min

short anesthesia for approx. 60min

short anesthesia for approx. 60 min

Clinic stay

outpatient stay
for approximately 4 - 5 hours

outpatient stay
for approximately 5 - 6 hours

1 night
inpatient stay


R 219,000

R 239,000

R 259,000

We offer financing options for your Weight Doctors SLEEVE®

Ratenzahlung leicht gemacht

Viele Patienten von Weight Doctors wünschen eine komfortable Zahlung in Raten, um ihre Behandlungskosten einfacher über einen längeren Zeitraum zu verteilen. Weight Doctors bietet in Zusammenarbeit mit medipay eine ideale Lösung:

Denn Sie bestimmen allein, wie lange die Laufzeit Ihrer Finanzierung sein soll. Entsprechend haben Sie die Möglichkeit, von unserem fairen, zinsgünstigen und diskreten Teilzahlungsservice zu profitieren. Und das alles vollständig online.

The ground-breaking innovation of the incision-free stomach reduction taken to the next level

The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® is based on the leading technologies of the endoscopic stomach reduction. The Mini-Sleeve, Endo-Sleeve and Extended Sleeve are minimally-invasive procedures that do not require any surgical intervention, and leave no visible scars. Instead, carried out via a gastroscopy and with the help of the worldwide-patented anchor system, the stomach wall is punctured from the inside and modified in such a way that it is tightened and reduced both vertically and horizontally. The effect is permanent.

Weight Doctors applies the technology and instruments of either the pose®2 ENDO-SLEEVE technology or the nickel-free OverStichTM technology.

With the Weight Doctors SLEEVE®, stomach volume is reduced by up to 75% (extended sleeve). Due to the targeted approach and significant stomach reduction achieved, a quicker feeling of satiety is achieved with small amounts of food. As an aid, the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® helps reduce excess weight quickly and safely.

Now at Weight Doctors: The Gastric Sleeve based on LSG technology

The Gastric Sleeve is the latest addition to the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® program. The Gastric Sleeve is the least invasive of bariatric surgical procedures – based on modern laparoscopic keyhole surgery. The Gastric Sleeve applies the LSG (Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy) technology and is recognised as the gold standard among surgeons worldwide.

With the help of LSG, a laparoscopy is performed. A few small punctures are made from the outside of the abdomen through which the finest surgical instruments can be inserted. Under visual control the surgeon creates the tubular shaped stomach (i.e. sleeve): the stomach is reduced in length vertically from top to bottom.

Unlike the endoscopic procedures performed by the Weight Doctors, the Gastric Sleeve procedure modifies the stomach from the outside, i.e. in the abdominal cavity. What remains is a narrow, sleeve-shaped stomach with a volume of only 150-200ml. This is approximately 85% less than the original stomach volume. The severed, larger part of the stomach is safely removed from the body. The operation takes about 60-90 minutes.

Frequently asked questions about the Weight Doctors SLEEVE®.

The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® is our exclusive program for effective weight loss and includes the most effective endoscopic stomach reduction. The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® is a minimally invasive program, performed either via gastroscopy or laparoscopy and under general anaesthesia. The procedure usually takes 60 to 90 minutes.

In most cases, the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® can be performed on an outpatient basis. This means that no overnight stay is required. With the Gastric Sleeve, an inpatient stay of 4 nights is planned for.

A specific liquid-based diet is prescribed for 4 – 6 weeks after the procedure to aid a swift and effective recovery. With the support of an accompanying guide, solid foods are gradually reintroduced until a normal, balanced diet is achieved without further dietary restrictions.

The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® is a gentle and extremely well tolerated procedure. Complications are rare and can usually be treated conservatively, i.e. without further surgical intervention or operation. Postoperative bleeding at the suture site on the stomach, hematomas or injuries to the stomach or injuries to the oesophagus can occur. In the hands of an experienced specialist, these are extremely rare complications, which, if handled professionally, can be treated in a medically sound and safe manner.

However, the Weight Doctors would like to emphasize the following: despite the very good safety profile, the low-risk nature and the minimally invasive character of the procedure, the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® is a medical intervention that requires specific clarification and medical assessment by a medical physician specialized in this procedure. We recommend making use of a free consultation appointment with one of our experienced Weight Doctors SLEEVE® specialists.

The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® is a unique program, exclusive to the Weight Doctors resulting in the most effective endoscopic procedure for a permanent stomach reduction. All procedures of the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® are based on the most innovative technologies and have been applied hundreds of thousands of times worldwide.

With all Weight Doctors SLEEVE® procedures, the average weight loss observed over the first 6 to 7 months following the procedure is already significant. Almost 95% of all patients lose body weight in the double-digit percentage range in the first 6 months.

Together with your individual Weight Doctors consultant, you can choose the Weight Doctors SLEEVE® that best fits your specific weight loss goal and personal situation. With our Weight Doctors treatment recommendation, we also carefully weigh the risks you are taking and the associated downtime.

The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® offers a great opportunity – a highly effective tool to support weight loss. But it also requires the consistent cooperation of our patients. It’s important to emphasise that the success of all Weight Doctors SLEEVE® procedures will steered by the effort and commitment made by each individual both before and especially after their procedure. It is essential to adhere to the guidelines during the healing phase that follow the procedure. In addition, it will be important to commit to the recommendations made across nutrition, exercise and your environment. This will be the only way to achieve a lifestyle with lasting weight loss success.

Your consultation. It's all about you.

Schedule your consultation at Weight Doctors in a way that suits you and choose from your most preferred of our options. Your first consultation is free-of-charge. Our team has native speakers in English, Afrikaans, German and Dutch language.

by phone

100% free-of-charge

by video call

100% free-of-charge


100% free-of-charge

Howzit? It's your Coach Iris. Anything I can do for you today?

As a Weight Doctors® patient, you will benefit from our brand-new digital AI-Coach Iris: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Iris speaks to you in 7 languages and is supported by our new Weight Doctors® 360 Coaches. For the best Weight Doctors® aftercare ever experienced.

Professor Thomas Hoelting MD

“The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® is the only program that offers all minimally-invasive procedures for permanent stomach reduction. For our patients, this means we can always develop the best possible treatment solution tailored to their needs. This has never been done before.”

Lose more than 50% of your excess weight within 6 months

The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® is the most effective stomach reduction procedure for long-term weight loss when compared to other procedures and conventional, therapeutic approaches. Supporting these procedures is either the pose® 2 ENDO-SLEEVE technology, the nickel-free OverStitch™ technology or the LSG technology. Together with our patient, we are able to find the right Weight Doctors SLEEVE® procedure that best suits their individual needs and expectations.

Clinical studies confirm that patients who have been treated with a Weight Doctor SLEEVE® procedure, on average, lose more than 50% of their excess weight in only 6-7 months. Alongside the accompanying decrease in body mass index (BMI), these patients also see a significant improvement to existing health conditions.

The further development of the technologies used by the Weight Doctors SLEEVE®, now in its’ 2nd generation, directly benefits our patients and supports more effective weight loss. With their support, patients can lose weight about 2-3 months faster compared to the first generation of pose® technology. And with their continuous commitment, patients can even lose an additional 20% of their initial weight in the first 12 months.

The Weight Doctors SLEEVE® can help you finally achieve that weight loss breakthrough

The Weight Doctor SLEEVE® procedures aid weight loss by helping to lower body weight in a targeted and lasting way. Equally important however, is that these procedures help our patients to free themselves from morbid obesity (so-called metabolically unhealthy obesity), which directly or indirectly influences one’s overall state of health. Associated illnesses and diseases can be made more bearable thanks to a permanent stomach reduction with the help of the Weight Doctor SLEEVE®. And in many cases, the intake of medication to relieve these illnesses, such as insulin, blood-pressure lowering medication or painkillers are often reduced or no longer needed and stopped in the course of treatment after consultation with the attending physician.

Your consultant at the Weight Doctors can help you optimise the effect of your Weight Doctors SLEEVE® through suitable nutrition and exercise programmes.

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At a glance:
Our Weight Doctors SA locations

Cape Town
Windhoek (Namibia)

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