Endoscopic Weight loss Treatments
Exclusive to Weight Doctors

Weight Doctors, Germany’s most experienced team for minimally invasive obesity treatments, is the market leader for endoscopic weight loss methods and the exclusive supplier for the revolutionary pose® procedure from the USA.


Do you want long term weight loss?
Maintaining your weight loss success has never been so easy.

Until recently, medical interventions to permanently reduce stomach volume have been associated with high risks, serious side effects and severe limitations in overall quality of life. With the development of the pose® (Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal) procedure, however, this perception is a thing of the past. Pose® is a solution that aims to achieve a high degree of effectiveness while being a low-impact medical intervention. Pose® is a so-called minimally invasive non-surgical method and is the only solution that enables a permanent reduction of stomach volume.

The unique thing about pose® is that the procedure impacts two important areas of the stomach to achieve effective, sustained weight loss: namely at the stomach entrance, and at the stomach exit – for a faster, and longer lasting feeling of fullness.

Up until recently, the procedure, which is based on a highly specialized, single-use endoscope created by the US manufacturer USGI Medical Inc., has only been offered in Spain, Austria and the United Arab Emirates. The Weight Doctors team has been successfully treating patients with the pose® procedure since 2017 and has been able to help hundreds of happy patients achieve their ideal weight with this innovative and complication-free method.

Learn in English or Afrikaans how our permanent stomach reduction without surger works: The Weight Doctors SLEEVE®

Why choose an endoscopic weight loss treatment?


Advantage #1
Your reduced stomach volume works every day: 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This means that your feeling of hunger and satiety is permanently regulated. Hunger attacks be gone!

With a stomach reduction treatment at Weight Doctors, you’ll have no scars or incisions thanks to our minimally invasive procedures.

Advantage #3
Ultra-short recovery times. After just a long weekend you should be ready to get back to your normal routine.

Our non-surgical treatments to reduce stomach volume are not only highly compatible for the body, the safety is impressive too. Risks are manageable and if therapy goes to plan, there are no persistent side effects.

At a glance

Duration of the procedure

30-60 minutes

Type of anesthesia

semiconscious sedationor general anesthesia



Pain level





after 3-4 days


4 months to a lifetime


from R 59,000

Our patient Aleksandra talks about her experience with her Weight Doctors® SLEEVE

Are you looking for a reversible treatment method?
An internal coach who supports you to lose weight and shows you your limits at every meal?

If this is the case, we recommend taking a closer look at the possibilities of intragastric balloon treatment. The intragastric balloon is a non-surgical, endoscope-interventional method for the treatment of excess weight and obesity. In contrast to other procedures in the field of obesity surgery, the intragastric balloon is characterized by the fact that no scars or incisions are created during its application, nor remain after the treatment.

The intragastric balloon is inserted into the stomach via the esophagus during a simple gastroscopy, under semi-conscious sedation, and is then filled with a blue-coloured saline solution. Once the balloon is inserted, the stomach loses between 25-35% of its volume, therefore significantly reducing the volume of stomach available for food intake. This will cause our patients to eat smaller meals and remain fuller much longer.

Depending on the type of intragastric balloon chosen, it can remain in stomach for 6 to 12 months. It is removed again by means of a simple gastroscopy. If you are looking for a longer therapy duration, you may consider opting for an intragastric balloon with an adjustable volume. This has enabled patients to increase and maintain the effectiveness of the treatment over the balloon treatment.


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Minimally invasive treatments for overweight patients:
Offering multiple advantages with manageable risks and few side effects


The advantages of this method over other surgical treatments for treating overweight and obesity in patients are obvious. Some of the key benefits include:

  1. There is no need for surgery. Medical risks therefore remain low and the therapy style allows the stomach to return to its original state at any time.
  2. Our treatments don’t require medication. This completely eliminates any undesirable side effects caused by medication.
  3. Our patients see weight loss from the first day following treatment due to the physical reduction of the stomach.

The expertise and experience of our Weight Doctors team and of our specialized doctors play a key role in the treatment of obesity.

With Weight Doctors, you can place your complete trust in a team of experts who have spent many years focusing on delivering professional competence, great treatment quality and absolute safety in medicine and hygiene standards to their patients.

Your consultation. It's all about you.

Schedule your consultation at Weight Doctors in a way that suits you and choose from your most preferred of our options. Your first consultation is free-of-charge. Our team has native speakers in English, Afrikaans, German and Dutch language.

by phone

100% free-of-charge

by video call

100% free-of-charge


100% free-of-charge

Howzit? It's your Coach Iris. Anything I can do for you today?

As a Weight Doctors® patient, you will benefit from our brand-new digital AI-Coach Iris: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Iris speaks to you in 7 languages and is supported by our new Weight Doctors® 360 Coaches. For the best Weight Doctors® aftercare ever experienced.


„The pose® procedure offers all the advantages of minimally invasive surgery without having to accept the potential risks and disadvantages of classical surgical treatments for obesity.”


Our non-surgical procedures are almost pain free and allow for quick recovery after the treatment. Being non-surgical they leave no incisions or scars. In most cases, you will be back home on the same day as your treatment.

Depending on the type of treatment chosen, the procedure usually takes 20 to 50 minutes. Your stay with Weight Doctors from admission to discharge on the day of your treatment is approximately 2.5 to 5 hours.

In almost all cases, we can undertake the procedure on an outpatient basis, i.e. without an overnight stay at our clinic. This means you can go home the same day and rest in your own bed. However, we also offer our patients the option of a short inpatient stay, which includes overnight accommodation in combination with medical supervision and professional infusion therapy. We’re happy to discuss possible options with you. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our procedures are suitable for overweight or obese patients with a BMI of approximately 27 to 48. In rare cases it is also possible to deviate from this range to undertake this procedure, when it is medically feasible to do so. In any case, patients must be motivated to want to change their lifestyle and make a change in their habits in order to enhance the effectiveness of their therapy.

Individual weight loss results will depend on the specific endoscopic stomach reduction treatment chosen and can also vary from case to case. This depends on your individual health characteristics and overall commitment to a long-term change in diet and lifestyle. However, it is very realistic to lose between 15kg – 25kg of weight within 3 to 4 months with our minimally invasive methods. A significantly higher weight loss can be achieved with our longer-term therapies lasting more than 1 year, or in the case of our adjustable or permanent endoscopic stomach reductions.

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At a glance:
Our Weight Doctors SA locations

Cape Town
Windhoek (Namibia)

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